It is no longer a shocking experience to find a day old baby being bottle-fed. Many parents are currently investing in bottles and other feeding gadgets to ease the baby feeding process. When you are entertaining this thought, sterilizing those feeding accessories should not be so far off. The steaming process is ideal for both formula and breastmilk feeding. In the past, people used to boil water to sterilize the gadgets but nowadays, sterilizing options have increased. You can now use water, electricity, or microwave to steam.

Additionally, there are sterilizers designed to do this type of work only. Some sterilize one bottle at a time while others sterilize eight in one go. However, some parents pay little attention to this crucial process and do not invest in a sterilizer. Nonetheless, do not join this club. Get yourself a sterilizer as soon as you can. The reasons to do so will differ from one household to the other, but the common reasons include.
1. Kill Germs and Bacteria
Milk creates a conducive environment for bacteria to grow. Once left on the bottles, they can thrive at an alarming rate. The growth poses a risk to infants as they can easily get infected. They end up falling sick and consuming a fortune to treat these conditions. In severe cases, some infants live with the aftermath of infections such as a weakened immune or even die. Getting bottle sterilizers helps you avoid all these and also eases the cleaning process. You can buy the sterilizers depending on your bottle usage frequency. The sterilizers come with timers, tongs, and even brushes for excellent results.
2. Many Handlers
When you are not the only person handling your infant’s bottles, it is vital to get a sterilizer. This is because some people are not as keen as you are when cleaning and handling the bottles. Others might be as keen, but their hygiene levels might be below your standards. Children who attend daycares or crèches are also fond of sharing bottles or touching them. With toddlers in the house, you can expect them to try and feed their baby or get curious and touch the bottles. Sterilizing them helps you reduce the accumulation of dirt that leads to infections and bacteria growth. It also reduces the chances of transferring infectious viruses and bacteria. Since most avoid this process because it is time-consuming, get electric or microwave sterilizers as they take two to 15 minutes to do their job thoroughly. Additionally, they guarantee sterile bottles for as long as 24 hours if the lids closed and you can do this once a day.
3. Feeding Environments
Your undertakings or work might force you to step out of the house with your infant. To ascertain that they do not go hungry or you do not mess with their feeding schedules, you are forced to carry their bottle. Sterilizing the bottle helps you get rid of the germs collected along the way. Additionally, you might be forced to feed your children in public spaces. Sterilizing helps reduce the bacteria accumulated when the baby is feeding and after feeding too. Some sterilizers also help keep food safe from contamination in the warmers.
These are also wonderful for sterilizing water bottles that we refill every day!