How are you mommies? I’m sure all of us have caught up with the #PapalVisitPH. Pope Francis really brought a miracle to this country. Aesthetically, as seen from FB feed, Manila is clean, parang Singapore daw. :). As a country, I’m so proud that people are disciplined, kahit nga yata walang barricades in Roxas Boulevard, people will still respect the distance set by the authorities just to secure Pope Francis. Nakakaproud because kaya naman pala nating mga Pinoy! Sana araw-araw ganito no? 🙂
We didn’t go out of the house though, we just watch Pope Francis and his activities on TV. I really love Pope Francis! One thing that struck me during his speech at MOA Arena is this:
“Don’t ever lose the illusion of when you were boyfriends and girlfriends.” – Pope Francis
Pope Francis gave an importance to family. And for the family to complete, it should have the two most important members, father and mother/husband and wife.
It’s alarming how many families break apart because of failed marriages. If only couples will work harder to stay together, I’m sure we all know that marriage requires a lot of hard work, patience, and loyalty.
Take heed to Pope Francis, make each dates like your first date. Remember all the things that made you fall head over heels to your husband/wife. Never stop sending surprises to each other.
Most of all, make GOD the center of your family.
Thank you Pope Francis for blessing my country. We love you!
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