Weekend is for rest and relaxation after 5 days of working. But if you’re a working mom, weekend also means time for cleaning the house and laundry. Buti na lang I love doing the laundry, thanks to my automatic washing machine. I can wash loads and loads, PAGTUTUPI is a different story though.

Another thing why I enjoy doing the laundry these days is because I discovered Surf Cherry Blossom Laundry Powder Detergent, ang bangoooo! It has Active Clean technology that is effective on stains and odors, mas magaling magpaputi and no kulob smell. Best of all, pang-WAIS ang price. 316 pesos for 2 pouches of 2.34 kg of Surf Cherry Blossom Laundry Powder Detergent.

Make it a WAIS weekend for you, get the exclusive deal of Surf Cherry Blossom Laundry Powder Detergent with Active Clean Technology on Shopee.
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