Third time’s a charm, and when it comes to Multiple Intelligence, three is indeed lucky. Who wouldn’t want a child with 3 kinds of smarts? I’m talking about Brain Smart, Body Smart, and People Smart. I believe that every child is capable of being a Multi-Achiever, as long as as we give them opportunities to freely explore and develop their capabilities. While our kids are young, I try to give them more time and activities to discover the things where they excel. By learning more things, the more chances that we are raising a Generation MI, a generation of Multi-Achievers.

My child is more than Brain Smart! She’s also Body Smart and People Smart.
With my Multi-Achiever, Gwen, it doesn’t matter if she’s not the first honor in her class. We’re just as happy to know that she was recognized for her ability to read in just 60 days, that’s Brain Smart. Now that we know what she enjoys, we supported her by giving her more books to read.
Discovering our child’s Body Smart is quite easy. All kids are very active, we just have to let them try out different sports or take them to out-of-town trips to open up plenty of adventures for them. Try swimming, hiking, or just being in the playground. The last time we’re in Baguio, Gwen had a blast horseback riding. She even insisted that she wants to ride on her own.
If you read all my multiple intelligence posts, my favorite kind of smart is People Smart. I think this reflects the person’s well-being the most. If he/she can deal with all kinds of people, then she’s ready to take on the world.
Since every kid is unique, Progress Pre-School GOLD wants you to show the three smarts of your children through a photo collage.
Multiple Intelligence contest for May
- Follow me on Twitter: @badudets
- Share your child’s #MultipleIntelligence using a photo collage and post this statement: “My child is more than Brain Smart! She’s also Body Smart and People Smart. #MultipleIntelligence #MIxBadudets”
- Remember to include the hashtags #MultipleIntelligence and #MIxBadudets to qualify.
- Post the Twitter URL link in the COMMENT section for me track who joined. I will choose 2 winners of a special gift pack from me.
- A participant can tweet multiple times but multiple tweets of one participant do not guarantee more chances of being chosen as one of the finalists.
- For picture/video posts that show a child/children in it, he/she/they must be at least 4 years old. Entries with photos of children below 4 years old will be disqualified. In addition, photos must not include pregnant women.
- This is open for parents residing in the Philippines with kids 4 to 7 years old only.
2 winners of 3 pieces of Progress Pre-School 50g pack and Php 300 Gift Certificate from National Bookstore
PLUS!!! I will pick 2 winners to receive a special gift pack from me
Sample Entry:
In making your photo collage, you can use apps on your smartphones like PhotoGrid. In your PC, you can use Photoscape. You can also edit your photos online at
Or if you’re really technically challenged but wants to join badly, let me know at the comments section or at my FB page and I’ll help you in your photo collage :p.
More chances of winning:
Increase your chances of winning by joining and using the hashtags of my fellow mommy bloggers. Check out their posts:
Mommy Pehpot – My Child Is More Than Brain Smart Twitter Giveaway!
Mommy Levy – #MultipleIntelligence Twitter Promo: Brain, Body and People Smart
Mommy Jem – Tweet-Win Gift Packs by Sharing Triple Split Screen Photo of your Child Showing Multiple Intelligence
Mommy Vix – Tweet a collage of your child’s #MultipleIntelligence + Win
Ava Te-Zabat – Progress Pre-School GOLD “I Choose” Promo MAY 2015!
Multiple Intelligence contest for May starts from May 12 to May 18, 2015. 2 winners will be announced by May 22. Goodluck!
Very useful way in rearing children with smart personalities. Triple smart for intelligent child gives more than what he/she can do while growing up.Good luck!
It’s good that at an earlier age, we are already aware of our child’s capabilities. Who know’s what more they can do?
While young, kids are like sponges and they can easily absorb and learn so many things. I’m thankful that my parents enrolled us to different courses during summer to learn more things that cannot be learned from the traditional lessons in the classroom. Nowadays, kids have to be streetsmart and not only booksmart.
Good luck pretty girl, hope you will win and bring trophy and cash for your college fund.
I think it’s right that they are now encouraging multiple intelligence as it gives them more balance growing up.
Joined Mommy Badet!
Twitter post:
My son is a Brain Smart because he excels in reading especially in English although the photo in my collage shows he’s writing which was taken during his Summer Reading Class recently this May and He is also a Body Smart because he loves swimming especially now that we have a kiddie pool. 🙂 And People Smart because he loves making circle of friends/acquiantances at school actually he has a friend at older grades.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My Entry:
Childs Name:Lord Spencer William Blasa IV
Age:6 years old
Some of the changes in our kids are not so easy to spot, particularly cognitive changes. Children’s brains develop as they have new experiences. You cannot see the brain developing, but you can see what new things the child can do.
Hi Mommy Badet! Here’s my entry :
The first photo of my son shows of being Brain Smart for being a gold medalist. The second photo shows being Body Smart because he can do his motorcycle ride on his own. Lastly, the photo shows being People Smart because he loves playing with other kids.
Thank you!
Thank for the giveaway @badudets blated happy mothers days and thank you for PPSG.
Congratulation and thank you po godbless!
Hello po ms.badet here’s my entry
count me in 🙂
Good luck to all the participants.
joining 🙂
Hi Mommy Badet, thanks for this giveaway:)
Here’s my entries: instructions. He is also people smart. He is friendly and he actively participates in school programs and group activities. In the photo he joined the United Nations program. He is also body smart. The playground is his happy place. I let him climb the slides on his own and it gives him that joy exploring on his own. I am proud that he is a multiachiever.
Thank you and God bless!
Hi Mum Badet!
I’m resending my comment since the first one had errors. I just tweeted my entry featuring my 6-year old Santi.
Santi is brain smart. He collects Lego building blocks and enjoys building on his own which helps him develop visualization and helps him to read and follow instructions. He is also people smart. He is friendly and he actively participates in school programs and group activities. In the photo he joined the United Nations program. He is also body smart. The playground is his happy place. I let him climb the slides on his own and it gives him joy exploring on his own. I am proud that he is a multiachiever.
Thank you & God bless!
Hello Mum Badet,
I’m sharing another photo collage of Santi, 6 years old. showing how is brain smart by constantly reading to enhance his vocabulary and visualization. He is body smart who enjoys playing and challenging himself with some physical activities. santi is also people smart, who cooperates well in school activities. In the photo he led his class as Old MacDonald in their year-end sing and dance program.
Maria May Ochea
My son is Brain Smart because At the age of 4 he’s able to name the 10 flags of different countries and their capital City as well. He’s also Body Smart because he loves outdoor activities & challenges. He tried Velcro Wall for the first time & he was so fearless! By simply playing with the other kids he was already knw the true meaning of sportmanship that made him a People Smart. 🙂
been trying to do it right..^^ Thanks for the invite, Misis B♥
Here’s my entry: