No matter what time of year it is, it’s never too early to start thinking about your summer holidays. For many of us, it’s the biggest chance all year to really relax, kick back and soak up some rays and as such, it deserves some serious planning.
One of the main aspects to planning a successful summer holiday is to make sure you have enough money to go where you want for a decent amount of time. You also need to be able to live comfortably while you’re there, so try Creditfix out for advice.

Here’s five handy ideas to help you to save up for your holiday and also to get some good deals on flights and accommodation.
Book your flights as soon as possible.
The sooner you book, the lower the fares usually are. Booking cheap flights or swooping on a great deal is one of the few reasons for using a credit card, as you’re usually saving money even when you factor in the interest, so don’t be shy. Just make sure you pay the amount off as quickly as possible. For example, if you had £500 saved up for your (roughly) £1,000 flights already and there’s a sudden 20% discount, put the £800 on your card and pay it down with your £500 as soon as possible.
Be on constant charity shop alert.
It’s a thing. Considering that most of us spend between £200 and £300 on our summer holiday wardrobes, making a bit of effort to pick up some bargains in a local charity shop will save you quite a few pounds. In addition to saving money, you’ll be helping a good cause, too. Some charity shops have new items with the labels still on, for example, or sample-sized bottles of shower gels and so on, so when you’re out shopping take five minutes to have a quick rummage.
Ditch the gym and exercise outside more
As the weather gets better, you could cancel or suspend your gym membership and take up jogging instead. Alternatively, you could drop a few extra classes and go running with friends in a bid to save some money.
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink each week
It’s easy to let the amount you drink each week creep up. There’s the weekend, obviously, as well as Thursday, which is pre-weekend. Commit to not celebrating Thursdays for a month or two and see how much you don’t spend. Of course, everything that you don’t spend has to go into your holiday savings account.
Start moving money into your destination’s currency
If you have a pre-paid international bank card, then you can start to deposit money into your holiday destination’s currency to build up your spending money. If you look at your grocery receipts and see that you saved £2.20 with a BOGOF offer, then move £2.20 into euro, kroner or shekels. A good trick is to know how much an iced coffee will cost you, or a cabana on a beach, and mentally tick these items off as you deposit enough in your “holiday wallet”.
LesS gastos more saving. Nice blog mommy badet.. Tama po limitahan ang paginom ng alak.. kung two times a week gawin nalng isang beses para makaiwas naman po sa gastos. Lagi kopo sinasabi sa asawako!