Online shopping mode again! Even before I was pregnant, I wanted my future baby to own cool and unique clothes. I think for the first few years of the babies, it reflects the parents’ fashion sense and style instead of the kids, like they have a choice, hehe…
Jeff really likes black in clothes, and I like statement tees so these baby onesies are perfect…

Rock n Roll onesies
I bought these Rock and Roll onesies at Kidsrepublikphil at Multiply for Php 200 for 3 pieces already. It’s a little masculine so I’m thinking of buying a tutu skirt for my little one to complete her rockstar look like this…

Baby tutu skirt
Cute eh? If only my baby can sing like rockstars do, we’re gonna invest on karaoke machines as early as now.
Now I get it why you like my little JV’s name. =)
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