Look what just appeared in McDonald’s…There’s a Pokemon in your McDonald’s Happy Meal! There are 11 of them and just like their tagline says, gotta catch ’em all.
I don’t recognize some them though, are they different from the Pokemon Go monsters? Because I was looking for Rattata, Pidgeotto, etc….
Here’s the list of what you need to catch:
- Pikachu Flying Propeller
- Dedenne Flower Ride
- Fennekin Fire Ring
- Froakie Water Toy
- Chespin Log Ride
- Dancing Pangcham
- Dedenne Whistle
- Mega Lucario Spinner
- Froakie Rapid Shooter
- Fennekin Flying Propeller
- Chespin Water Toy
I’m sure Pikachu will be the first one to get sold out.
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