On her last pedia’s visit, Jeff and I decided to have Gwen’s ears pierced. We’ve been putting it off since birth because we’re worried that she’ll cry because of pain and we don’t want her to suffer from swollen ears. What made us decide to have her ears pierced? Well, every time Gwen’s outside outside our house for some fresh air, ALL passersby mistake her for a boy, hehe…
Now, with her ears pierced, she’s definitely a GIRL! About the whole ear holing process, she just cried for a few minutes, mainly because of the “gulat” factor but after that she’s fine. The pedia applied topical anesthesia 30 minutes before the procedure. Ear holing at our pedia is Php 600 including the hypoallergenic earrings.
I was thinking of have my gals’ ears pierced,too very soon. but in the mean time the youngest has her ponytail so that no one would say that she’s a boy;)
My daughter was about the same age as yours when she got her ears pierced. Now you can really prettify her 🙂
My daughter was/is often mistaken as a boy too. But I’ve postponed having her ears pierced until the time that she’d really ask for it.
BTW, I’m passing the Versatile Blogger award to you. Head over my blog for the rules. =)
My babies are also mistaken for a boy but I’m afraid to have them pierced so later na lang pag malaki na sila. 🙂