Hello there! I’m still preggy, hehe… I didn’t know that this pregnancy will really heighten up my already lazy self. And to make things worse, it seems that my preggy self is a magnet for all kinds of diseases. You see, when I was not pregnant, I’m healthy as can be and my body is always in tip-top shape. A few sneeze here and there but a pop of vitamin C and a good night’s sleep can make me feel better the next morning.
Now, though being pregnant is such a big big blessing, it’s as if I’m perennially plagued with cough and colds. Aside from that, I had episodes of diarrhea for four days right after we went to Boracay. It must have been the water there, or the ice cubes used in the drinks. During our Cebu trip, I had fever during our stay because of the uber cold air conditioning at Roseate Pension House. A visit to my OB required me to take a number of medicines including antibiotics…. *sigh*
But yeah, whatever it takes, as long as the baby is healthy I’m great! All these sufferings are for a greater cause, right?