I was sort of disconnected to the outside world for about a week after giving birth, well, I kinda sneaked-in a blog post as you have noticed, hehe… My mother said this is to avoid “binat”. Here are the things my mother imposed on me during that 1 week hiatus:
- Do not take a bath or even wash hands for 1 week. (I cheated on this because I have to wash my private part down there, hello?)
- Do not watch TV, read or use the computer. Grrrr….
- Don’t drink cold beverages or food.
- Have plenty soups such as tinola to increase milk supply.
- At the seventh day, I thought I can rejoice because I can finally take a bath. Only to find out, I have to use the water with boiled leaves and no soap or shampoo.
- The next day, finally, a warm shower with soap and shampoo too!
- After taking a bath, get a manghihilot for a massage. (We’re still searching for a manghihilot until now…)
There are plenty of Filipino beliefs and myths during pregnancy right? I’m even not sure if all of these are true, some Chinese friends also have Gelai to follow where a woman who just gave birth is not allowed to take a bath for ONE month.
The most difficult part of the 1 week hiatus is not being able to use the computer and go online. I can last a day without TV but with no Internet?, no way! I was very eager and excited then to look for Baptism invitations ideas for my little princess. Well, I’m glad I’m past that phase…
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