I’ve been looking at my blog’s archives for 2012 and realized that I’m still the delinquent lazy blogger that I am. One month it’s full of updates, the next month it’s silent. But one thing’s for sure, I’m still a hands-on mommy to my now 2-year-old, every milestone she had in 2012 was not missed.
You see, I’m always the Mrs. Optimistic, I’d like to think that I have a sort-of selective amnesia, I forget and likes to forget bad things. I always want to remember and talk about happy things. That is good right, counting your blessings and remembering happy memories is less stressful than worrying about problems. So for my 2012, it was a great year! It has ups and downs, but still, it has more ups than downs.
In March 2012, we experienced what parents feared, having their kids hospitalized. This was the first time Gwen got admitted because of fever, and I hope it’ll be the last.
Despite the rough start, we thoroughly had a blast in witnessing Gwen’s toddler years! I enjoyed making her Indian costume for the trick or treat.
And oh, Gwen joined the Oppa Gangnam Style craze too, have you seen her video?
“The family that travels together, stays together.”
Of course, I made that up, =). But there’s no stopping this wanderlust couple from exploring places, and now we’re tagging Gwen along.
For 2012, we conquered Subic, Cagayan de Oro, Camiguin, Jawili Falls in Aklan, Boracay and Hong Kong, where our adventurous daddy took us for a hike. Some family travels weren’t blogged, either I’m just too busy and tired unpacking after the trip, or I was just plain lazy :p.
Excited for our BIG PROJECT.
The Habagat flood was a blessing in disguise, that was a wake-up call for us that we seriously need to settle down at our own house in Cavite. This will be our 2013 Project =).
Time to shine.
Who knew that blogging could give me a shot as a model just for a day, err, maybe 2 hours lang, hahaha…
As for my Gwen, we have reached the Terrific Twos, yep, I’d like to call it that…
2013, I am so excited for you! My book is ready for new happy memories and I’ve added a thousand numbers in my gratitude list for me to fill.
Let me leave you with something I found on Pinterest. May you have a bounty, wonderful and stress-free 2013!
Source: icanread.tumblr.com via Anna on Pinterest
Happy New Year Badet! I agree with your saying that the family that travels together stays together. haha! see you on the 10th 🙂