While looking for more baby stuff inside SM Department Store, Jeff and I saw a number of infant rockers, we got our eyes on 2 brands, MacLaren and Fisher Price.

MacLaren Techno Rocker

Fisher Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker
We both agreed that it’s a nice baby gear to have around the house and when travelling too but what kept us from buying is because of the hefty price tag. SM may truly have it all including imported brands but the price mark-up is exaggerated. SM sells the MacLaren Techno Rocker for Php 5,699 and the Fisher Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker for Php 5,799. When I checked Amazon for the US price, guess what? MacLaren is sold at $ 69.99 (a little over 3k) and Fisher Price is sold at $ 34.99 (about Php 1,500). We can buy it in Amazon but the problem is the shipping cost and the customs, *sigh*.
Maybe I’ll just wait for sale season to cut back on costs for those rockers or consolidate items from my online shopping, I also want to buy additional feeding bottles and koolaburra boots online. I’ll just weigh the pros and cons, in the meantime, shopping can wait…
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