Two of my friends are pregnant, I’m so happy for them! In one of our FB chats, one of them mentioned that she was surprised since they were not trying and 2 kids are already enough. Another one is really TTC hence they really consulted a doctor and the doctor advised to monitor her ovulation cycle.
What is the most important thing to know when you are trying to conceive? According to, it’s when you are ovulating. Knowing when you are ovulating is very important and can really give you a key look inside your own fertility. When you are trying to conceive, it’s important to remember that the short time of ovulation (around 12-24 hours) is the only time that a woman can get pregnant. If you don’t know exactly when that time is, getting pregnant can be needlessly harder than it needs to be. There are many different ways to figure out exactly when you are ovulating. For example, women can use ovulation predictor tests to determine whether or not they are ovulating. Cervical mucus and cervical position are also both good ways to determine if ovulation is close. Another way to find out about ovulation is by charting your temperature using a special basal body thermometer. Figure out which way works best for you to figure out when you are ovulating, and stick with that.
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