As parents, we want to give the best quality of life to our children. This starts from the day they were born, we wanted to give the best health care by looking for the best doctor. When it’s time for them to start going to school, we searched high and low for the best school that will give them the excellent education. Aside from that, there were the material things such as clothes and toys that we give on special occasions or just any ordinary day because we think our kids deserve the best things in life.
But you know what, one of the most important thing we can teach our kids is the value of money and how to save. They may have the best education and may have a successful career that pays well but if they don’t know how to save and grow their money, it’s not gonna work out in the end.
Start them young if you want them to value money. Here are surefire ways to teach kids about saving money:
Talk to the kids about money and involve them on money decisions.
Having the kids involve in financial discussions at home will have them interested about money. This will also help you as parents to gauge the level of financial literacy of your kids. From there, you can start the talks about money depending on how well they understood money.
Make saving money as a game.
Did you know that just by playing monopoly you are also teaching your child about money. And it’s a fun way to start. If you don’t have Monopoly, there are online games from that teaches your kids about math and saving. Check out the board games section, there’s a particular Savings category.
Be a role model.
Our kids learn by example and they look up to us as their parents. When they see how we value money and give importance to savings, then they will surely mimic it from us. Let’s make them understand that saving money for a particular purpose like a travel fund or college education is a must to prepare them for life.
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