There are over 40 species that have been domesticated over time and added as family pets, not including subspecies. It’s important to choose a pet that’s right for you and your family, as well as to educate yourself on what to expect with any new addition. From being prepared to clean up after them, to knowing what kind of pet is right for your household, there are some things you definitely need to know and consider beforehand.

The Demands Of A Pet
One of the most overlooked considerations to make when it comes to a new pet are all of the various needs it will have that you will be responsible for. It’s easy to get excited and overlook the additional work they’ll require. One added liability that is perhaps the most frequently under-acknowledged is the additional monetary cost of having a pet. They’ll need food, toys, shots, vet check-ups, grooming tools, treats, and preventative medications. Whether you’re getting a dog or a goat, all animals will have an added monthly and yearly cost. Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re not worth it! They definitely are; it’s just something you need to plan for.
In addition to money, pets have other ‘demands’ you’ll need to meet in order to keep them healthy and happy. Pets of any variety need their fair share of quality time: cuddles, play time, exercise, grooming or habitat cleaning – all of these things are important for your pet and their health, as well as the bond you undoubtedly hope to share. Some other time-consuming necessities that may apply are training (in the case of dogs, cats, or any animal that does not reside in a mini-habitat, like a tank), extra cleaning, and preventative health care (like dental hygiene, checking or fleas and other pests etc). You need to understand just how much time and effort a particular variety of pet will require, and be sure that you are willing and able to provide.
Choosing A Pet
Which pet you choose also needs careful thought. Most households go with a cat or a dog, but if you’re short on time, a small pet like a hamster or guinea pig may be the way to go. If you’d like to go a step up from that kind of animal, but you’re not sure you’re ready for a cat or dog, opting for a bunny or ferret may be ideal. That way, they can be handled and interacted with more often, but can also go into their habitat space for a while when you’re out of the house, asleep, or just need a break. On the other hand, if you’re introducing your child to the responsibilities of a pet as well, perhaps you want to go even smaller, like a fish. Fish are low-maintenance, beautiful, and interesting, all while providing some first steps in allowing your child a bit of responsibility, like feeding.
There are many different aspects to consider when bringing in a new addition to the family. You wouldn’t choose a person at random to start a family with, so why do that with a pet? Take plenty of time to think about what kind of pet is right for your home. Then, with a little time and patience, everything will fall into place.
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