Since it’s back to school na for most of you, I’m sure busy na ang mga mommies sa pagcocover ng mga books at notebooks. Kamusta naman ang 10 books at 10 notebooks di ba?
One thing that you’ll do is to stick labels with names on them on almost all of your child’s things. Kahit minsan walang epek kahit tadtarin mo pa ng pangalan ang gamit, nawawala pa rin :p.
Anyway, here are some printables you can download for your child’s books and notebooks. Download the PDF file and print in sticker or colored papers.

Feel free to download, but use it for personal consumption lang ha. If I still have time, gagawa pa ako more designs.
What a great idea. The designs look really good. Thanks for sharing 😊
Thank you Amy!
Thank you for appreciating.
beautiful designs, thank you so much.
Welcome 🙂