Now that I’m on the final trimester of my pregnancy and my tummy is getting bigger and bigger each day, my OB eliminated one multivitamins I’m taking which is Natalie. So I’m just taking Calvit (calcium supplement) and Trihemic (iron supplement) everyday. The Natalie multivitamins has DHA and since she took it out, she said I should eat more fish in my diet to get my DHA needs.
DHA or omega 3 fatty acids are very crucial in the 3rd trimester because it’s responsible for the 70% of baby’s brain development. 250 mg of DHA is recommended for pregnant women everyday. Having known this, I should make it a point to keep in mind what foods to eat that contains DHA. Good thing finding DHA-rich foods is not as complicated as a barcode scanner.
Omega 3 or DHA-rich foods are oily fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon. It can also be found in eggs, dark green vegetables and walnuts.
Incorporating this on my diet is not difficult, I’m gonna try eating more of this rather than taking DHA supplements, I still want it the natural way.
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