Gwen had a slight fever last week (Thursday and Friday). We suspected that teething might be the cause of her fever. But come Saturday, fever was gone and no pearly whites erupting yet.
As first-time parents, even a slight fever alarmed us. As soon as I got a text message from home that Gwen has “sinat”, I immediately got worried and rushed home. Jeff became paranoid that it might be dengue. He didn’t slept just to monitor Gwen’s temperature, sweet daddy…
Come Saturday, Gwen is back at her cheerful self and even went to our in-laws, thank God! As Gwen’s yaya would say, lagnat-laki lang yan.
Happy to know it’s nothing serious. I get paranoid when my daughter has fever too because it’s dengue season once again.
The Twerp and I
get well soon to gwen
Not only first time parents get alarmed when their child has fever. I still do, with 3 kids and all. I guess it’s only normal for a mommy to be that way. Especially in a tropical country like ours where there is always a fear of dengue.
I can totally relate, as I too can’t help but get all paranoid at the slightest rise in my kid’s temperature, or even when she has the sniffles. Typical moms, we are 🙂