Expectant moms are advised to listen to classical music which is good for the baby. So every night, I listen to Mozart in my laptop and just level up the volume so that baby can also listen to classical music. There are times that Jeff is playing his own tunes that I have to use a headphone to stick on my belly just so the baby can still listen to classical music. This may be quite unfortable at times.

Belly Buds
Browsing from pregnancy sites, I found a cool gadget for expectant moms, Belly Buds. It’s a belly phone made to adhere to a mother’s belly so that the baby can sound trip in utero. And if mommy wants to listen to music too, it comes with an audio splitter so that mom and baby can listen to music together. Babies can listen to music all day long discreetly with this gadget.
Did you know that putting headphones or in this case, Belly Buds, on your baby can also help turn a breech baby? This is my dilemma a few weeks back but baby is in head-down position now. Listening to music also helped me relax from all the stress and worries especially coming from a bad day because of traffic, heavy downpour or a random commuter just had cigars beside a pregnant woman.
What I was thinking is something like buds for the ears. As much as possibe I am afraid of something electornics when preggy. You never know the side effect. Innovative creation though ^_^