It’s exam week for my preschooler. While I’m pretty cool and calm about it, we don’t want to put pressure on Gwen. She’s in Junior Kinder, or Nursery, or Preschool, or whatever you call it. First day of exam is Science and Reading, second day is Math and Language. My student is ready but the parents aren’t. Imagine, aside from having a sort of refresher for the exams, her teachers gave 2 projects in one week. Submission dates for the project is 2 days apart but still??? exam week and two projects??? A word wheel and an animal face mask.
Good thing Daddy is the meticulous, crafty, and patient one, hehe. Seriously, these projects aren’t for 3-year-olds. Here’s the finished product of Gwen’s CVC Word Wheel. I’ll try to come up with a tutorial soon.

CVC word wheel