…for making The Misis Chronicles one of the finalists in the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 Best Parenting Blog category!
Working Mommy Blogger from the Philippines
…for making The Misis Chronicles one of the finalists in the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 Best Parenting Blog category!
When I was still not a mommy yet, I also think that Mother’s Day is another overrated occasion just like Valentine’s Day. I mean, our mothers are special and we have to treat them as such everyday. But this year, as a first-time mom, I find myself giddy to celebrate it. And knowing us, celebration means dining out. Good thing I have unused vouchers for Spiral Buffet at Sofitel, perfect location for this occasion.
2 days to go before Gwen’s first month, and I can’t help but feel excited and triumphant that I survived the first month. It’s really hard the first 2 weeks but now, everything is smooth-sailing and I’m enjoying and savoring every moment of it. Just what my mommy friends told me, I’ll miss the days when Gwen was still a tiny little angel. True enough, babies do grow fast, so mommies, don’t blink.
No matter how shallow, I want to list my little accomplishments as a mommy, hey it’s my first time:
But the most precious milestone of being a mommy is witnessing your baby’s smile for the first time. All my worries and fears melted whenever I see Gwen’s smile on her angelic face. And whenever I see her and her daddy sleeping soundly, life could never be happier.
2 weeks post-partum, I badly need some time to go out and get some fresh air. Jeff also knew I really need to go out because aside from me going nuts, I’m also driving him crazy. So last Saturday, when he planned to check out some glass tile, he asked me to go with him while my Aunt took care of Gwen.
And just like before, we went back to what we love to do, EAT!
post partum date
We ate at Causeway Seafood Restaurant and feasted on dimsum! I felt good afterwards…
When my Auntie Stella came to the rescue in helping me take care of Gwen, she requested for me to buy Aceite Alcanforado and Aceite de Manzanilla. Clueless on those weird sounding names, I bought it at Mercury. Upon reading the label, Aceite de Manzanilla is a blend of chamomile and citronella oil and Aceite Alcanforado is for colds to be applied on baby’s back.
bigkis, Aceite Alcanforado, Aceite de Manzanilla
The white cloth is “bigkis” which is tied around baby’s tummy also to prevent colic (kabag). Aceite de Manzanilla is applied on baby’s tummy to prevent colic, head and can also be used to massage her legs.
I’m quite wary on using the two Aceite though, as I want an all natural approach for the baby as much as possible. I have to tinf time to research on the side effects of this.
Mommies, do you also use these? Care to share your baby care tips?
As a first time parent and with no experience at newborn baby care, the first few weeks are really hard. We didn’t attend any childbirth classes either. So it’s a blessing that my mother called my Auntie Stella from the province to help me take care of Gwen even just for two weeks. My mother is so worried about baby’s umbilical cord as it is the most sensitive part according to her.
I guess no matter how many parenting sites I’ve read, there is still no other way to taking care of the baby than in actual and daily basis. Besides, parenting sites are more on the modern approach. Since my Auntie Stella came from the province, she was accustomed to the old school way. The use of bigkis, oils and even the way of bathing a baby, is old school. I’m slowly learning the ropes, I hope by the time she’s going back to the province, I’ll be more confident in taking care of Gwen…
Meanwhile, aside from mommy duties, I have wifey duties too and I have to look for bow ties for Jeff, he’s attending a wedding his friend’s wedding in Tagaytay and we can’t join him yet…