Friends, if you see this blog idle again, it means I’m busy….

6 minutes till I can play again, so I wrote this blog post while waiting :p
Working Mommy Blogger from the Philippines
Friends, if you see this blog idle again, it means I’m busy….
6 minutes till I can play again, so I wrote this blog post while waiting :p
Last Saturday, I was able to attend It’s a WAHMderful Life Workshop by Manila Workshops and Martine of Daintymom, it’s a whole day affair at the Studio SnR in Ortigas. This is the second series of the WAHMderful Life workshop, the first happened last October 2012. This second workshop is more specific and tackles real ways on the road to being a WAHM such as freelance writing and virtual assistance.
Unilab is one of the sponsors of this event, supporting all the WAHMs and WAHM-wannabes out there.
I’ve been looking at my blog’s archives for 2012 and realized that I’m still the delinquent lazy blogger that I am. One month it’s full of updates, the next month it’s silent. But one thing’s for sure, I’m still a hands-on mommy to my now 2-year-old, every milestone she had in 2012 was not missed.
You see, I’m always the Mrs. Optimistic, I’d like to think that I have a sort-of selective amnesia, I forget and likes to forget bad things. I always want to remember and talk about happy things. That is good right, counting your blessings and remembering happy memories is less stressful than worrying about problems. So for my 2012, it was a great year! It has ups and downs, but still, it has more ups than downs.
Peace, love and happiness to us all this Christmas and towards 2013! Cheers!
Badet, Jeff & Gwen
It’s really not everyday I get to wear make-up, walk in heels, wear fab clothes, and most of all, walk on the runway in front of the media people. I guess my mommy bloggers felt the same way too.
Mommy bloggers Levy, Iris P., Ning, Iris A., Peachy, myself, and Pehpot
We live in Caloocan. I grew up in Caloocan. I’ve been living in the same house for over 20 years. It is normal for me to see flood in streets, even if it’s just a drizzle. But having water inside our house is a first time, =(. I will never forget you, Habagat.
Last Monday was the longest trip going home. We left the office at around 6:30 pm just when the heavy rain was pouring. We were along Edsa for a good 30 minutes until we reached Caloocan where traffic was bad because of flood. No, it wasn’t bad, it was the worst. To make the story short, Jeff had no choice but to park the car in a gasoline station and stay there for the night or until the flood water goes down. I, on the other hand, had to brave the floods just to go home for Gwen. I was home 12 midnight. Jeff was left in the car with just chocolates as food.
I haven’t slept because I’m worried about Jeff and afraid because of the non-stop rain. The next morning, the flood water is already at our front gate but I’m still not worried because it also reached that level in the past. Unfortunately, around 10 am, water came in at the whole ground floor. It’s not that high compared to others, just ankle-deep but still, it’s so heartbreaking to see the place where I grew up slowly decaying because of flood. =(
Flood outside the living room. I wasn’t able to take a photo when water’s already inside.