Oh no, Germdugo went to our house to spread germs! Good thing the Hygienix #ShowerRangers came to the rescue.
Working Mommy Blogger from the Philippines
Oh no, Germdugo went to our house to spread germs! Good thing the Hygienix #ShowerRangers came to the rescue.
Since I was young, I was shy and totally embarrassed of my sweaty hands. During mass at church or at school, when it would be the time to sing “Our Father”, I would refrain from holding my seatmate’s hand in fear that he or she would touch my sweaty palms. Whenever I would get nervous, both my hands and feet would work up a sweat. Even now, I seldom wear high heels because my feet would get sweaty and I would slip off my shoes and walking would be harder as it already is because of the heels. So I prefer sneakers or sandals, and would never forget to put foot powder first to avoid sweaty (and smelly! Eww!) feet. My sweat problems hinder me from most physical activities because of my failure to do tasks without my hands or feet sweating up a bucket.
Upon further research on my problem, I discovered it’s called hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by abnormally increased sweating. It can affect one’s physical, emotional and social life, and this condition is called by some as “the silent handicap”. Possible medications are the use of anti-perspirants and anticholinergics, but these oral medications have lots of side effects so that’s not a very good option for me.
Stress urinary incontinence is a medical condition that mothers may experience but choose not to discuss or even consult with a doctor, for fear of embarrassment or shame. It consists of a series of temporary, fast, but very palpable urinary leaks that are triggered by ordinary things like laughter, sneezing or coughing. The lady may be in the middle of a conversation with friends or having a laughing interaction with teachers at a PTA meeting, then suddenly, she gets an involuntary spasm in their muscle down under, followed by a familiar wetness that comes with a pee. It is a very awkward and uncomfortable moment.
Stress urinary incontinence happens when the vaginal muscle becomes lax and is unable to prevent those sporadic involuntary leaks. Several factors that cause this laxity in mothers could be natural ageing, childbirth, or a very active sexual life. One or all of these factors can strain the orifice’s tightness and loosen it up.
I often experience this when I’m at the gym and I’m doing my box jumps or squats. I have no idea that this is a medical condition. I thought that it’s something that I have to deal with after giving birth.
Does the brand Blue Cross rings a bell to you? When I first received an email from them for a collaboration, I suddenly remembered that I encountered this brand 7 years ago when I was buying a Pregnancy Test Kit. Philippine Blue Cross Biotech Corporation has been around since 1997. They started out with diagnostics products and then they are now offering health care products. Before, their products are distributed only to clinics, hospitals, and health care professionals but now, they are available at leading drugstores nationwide.
Blue Cross Home Screening Test Kits
Let’s talk about our health and one common infection that affects us, UTI. Women are more prone to Urinary Tract Infection or UTI. This is because the female’s urethra is shorter hence the bacteria can reach the bladder easily. UTI occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract through the urethra, the tube that connects the urinary bladder to the genitals and transports and discharges urine outside the body.
Some women must be extra vigilant and should take extra precaution if they are pregnant, sexually active, or at a menopausal stage.
With the World Health Organization naming mosquito as the number one animal threat to humans, a tropical country like the Philippines, where mosquitoes are very rampant, must always be vigilant for any oncoming dengue outbreaks. The government has so far faced these threats with readiness and practice.