Since Gwen started eating solid food, I planned to buy her a high chair. I think a high chair will be the most useful baby gear that she can have. Besides, I think she deserves one luxury item, after all, her crib and stroller are already hand-me-downs. Another advantage of having a high chair is that the child will learn the value of eating together as a family because she can join on the table while they eat. It’s also an opportunity to teach a child table manners this early.
I like the high chair to be simple, not bulky and no hanky-pankies like toys hanging, musical buttons thingie… Here are some of the baby high chairs we liked:
Tripp Trapp Highchair by Stokke:
- Tripp Trapp high chair by Stokke
Tripp Trapp is tagged as “the chair that grows with the child”. Well, it should be because of its price tag. We checked it at Mothercare Trinoma and it costs around Php 15, 000 and that does not include the baby set attachment yet.