You should not think that bulking up is very easy. There is a difference between increasing your muscle mass and getting fat. Eating a lot of food will probably have you gain weight. However, without the proper exercise, diet, and bulk nutrients, your weight gain will not be a healthy one.

If you have always been skinny in your life and want to get bulkier, you may be fighting against your genetic makeup. However, this does not mean that you can never be bulky. You can still bulk up slowly even if your genetic disposition is for you to be skinny. Here are some bulking up tips for skinny guys:
Eat yourself to a bulky body
A lot of people tend to believe that working out six days a week will lead to a bulkier body. While this may be true for several people, this will not be true for all. The key to a more voluminous body is more of a person’s diet rather than a person’s workout routine. You can bulk easier just by working out twice a week in a gym and eating the right food than working out every day without proper nutrition. If you are not getting more body mass, then you are not eating the right amount of the right food.
Know how many calories you need
Every person burns calories daily even if he or she does not do any exercise at all. Each person has his or her rate of metabolizing the calorie intake. For example, your body can burn around 2000 calories, even if you are sitting the whole day. If you add exercise and other activities, then the number of calories you are burning will be more significant. If you decide to bulk up, then you should know how many calories you need to take to have calories left that will be used for gaining more mass. You can calculate how many calories you need per day by entering your data in a Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator.
Load up (properly!) on calories
Once you know the number of calories you need to burn daily to maintain your current lifestyle, you can gradually add extra calories to it to have a slow bulking process. It is better to bulk up slowly because you can maintain the increase in your body mass easier. Adding around 300 to 500 calories above your Total Daily Energy Expenditure will allow you to gain approximately 0.25 to 0.5 kilograms per week.
If you are not fond of calorie counting, you can compute the number of calories that your regular balanced-diet has and then get the additional calories you need from available bulk nutrients supplements that are available in the market.
Prioritize your nutrition
Adding extra calories to your total daily energy expenditure requirement is vital in getting more body mass. However, you should not eat just anything to get those extra calories. You have to prioritize what you are going to put into your body.
Protein-rich food such as meat, chicken, fish, beans, and eggs are essential in helping your muscles rebuild after your physical workouts. Carbohydrate-rich food will give your body its needed fuel and energy. Unsaturated fats, especially those coming from avocado, walnuts, and olive oil, can help with the functions of your body organs optimally. You can obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs from bulk nutrition supplements.
To become bulkier, you have to know how much total daily energy expenditure you need and add extra calories to your number. Prioritize getting your daily calorie requirements from food rich in protein and unsaturated fats. Get the extra calories from bulk nutrients supplements.
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