When there are babies and kids living in the house, it’s important to make it baby-proof or kid-proof. Kids can go wild with their games sometimes and you can never tell an accident waiting to happen.
Here are some tips on baby proofing your home:
- Use an electrical output plug to cover electrical outlets. This is available in hardware stores.
- Soften the edges of furnitures such as tables, cabinets, etc… There are also plastic guards that you can buy in hardwares or department store’s home section.
- Keep electric fans out of baby’s/kid’s reach. Place them in an elevated place.
- Remove any toys scattered on the floor to prevent them from slipping.
- If you have marbled floors or tiled floors, you can use slip resistant coatings or sprays. There’s also garage floor coating to baby proof this part of the house.
- Safety gates must be installed if your house have stairs.
- Keep all appliance cords neatly tied up so that no stray wires for baby to pull or play with.
- Keep away small items of toys, coins, earrings, etc… that baby might swallow.
These are just some of baby proofing tips that we practice. Feel free to share your babyproofing tips too…
These tips are really impt. Some put skids on tables that could be pushed just in case the toddler tries to push it or something.
Definitely, Maybe
it’s very important to baby proof a house, babies still doesn’t know what is safe and not safe for them.
These are important, and it will be helpful to ask the nanny to always keep both eyes on the baby, too.