Angry Birds mania is here! Angry Birds merchandise can be seen everywhere, from clothes, shoes, bags, toys, etc. I don’t know where to find original Angry Birds merchandise though, because I only know the ones sold in Divisoria and Baclaran. Earlier, my mother went to church in Baclaran and she got these Angry Birds caps for me two nieces…

Angry Birds caps
They are sold for Php 180 each in Baclaran. They are sooo cute and fun to wear. Angry Birds is truly addicting, I read somewhere that computer games such as this can also be utilized in drug detox center program for treatment.
those are so cute! I’m lucky my daughter hasn’t been hooked yet! She’s still not over her plants vs. zombies obsession.
Hubby got so hooked at this game for months! Buti na lang he got over the obsession soon enough. =D
So cute!!! My family and I are also hooked with this game after Plants vs. Zombies! LOL!!!
Cutie cute cute.. mga nagpapatunay na Angry Birds Lovers talaga 🙂