Children are so delicate. One wrong move could be detrimental and neither party has an easy time of apologizing to their opponent. You have a responsibility as a caregiver to provide your children with the much-needed protection that they should have.
You may hold the thought that you have all the safety measures in place but the reality is that there’s a lot to learn. To elaborate further, here are 4 things you may not know about child safety:

1. The Kitchen Is The Most Dangerous Part Of The House
There are several rooms in your house, one of them being the kitchen. This is undoubtedly the most dangerous part of your house, especially for your kids. Oven and stove related injuries in children are on high record and most of these leave kids with severe wounds and others dead.
In that regard, you need to take the necessary measures to ensure that the safety of your children in the kitchen is assured. It is advisable that you use doors and stove barriers more so when you are cooking in the kitchen to keep your kids out of harm’s way.
2. Chemicals Are A Threat To Kids
You have a wide range of products in your house ranging from cleaning detergents to medicine which are dangerous when they fall in the hands of small children. Consumption of these chemicals by kids through ingestion could amount to serious health complications or worse yet, death.
It is paramount therefore that you as a caregiver have cupboards in place that are positioned away from the reach of your children. These should be fitted with locks and safety catches to further prevent children who are able to make their way to the cupboards from accessing these chemical products that are detrimental to them.
3. Batteries Have Enough Power To Harm Your Kids
You probably have so many gadgets in your house that use batteries and while these batteries are important for the work they do, they can be a threat to the safety of your children. Button batteries and AA type batteries, for example, are common in most of the gadgets you have in your house such as calculators, wrist watches, car keys, and remote controls.
Children are quite adventurous in nature and may either swallow these batteries more so the button type, throw them in the fire, or try out something crazy in a bid to find out what would happen to them. This could amount to serious harm.
A remedy to this would be to tightly secure the battery holding compartments in the gadgets to prevent your children from accessing them and if possible keep these gadgets away from their reach.
4. Road Safety Isn’t Just For Drivers But For Children As Well
It’s good that you’ve put the measures in place to ensure that your children are safe in the house but what about their safety when you’re driving with them in your car? Roads are cruel, even to children.
To guarantee their safety, ensure that you fit your car with approved safety car seats and make sure that these seats are properly installed. Avoid putting small babies on the passenger seat and never ever carry an infant on your lap while driving.
There’s a lot to learn about child safety in a vehicle. To give you more helpful safety tips, here is a guide from Bell & Pollock. Check it out.
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