On Thursday will be the big reveal, we will know the baby’s gender. We’re still keeping our hopes up for a baby boy but honestly, any gender is perfect as long as the baby’s healthy. I’m trying to brush off all my worries since along with determining baby’s gender, the OB will also do congenital anomaly scan (CAS) and OGCT (Oral Glucose Challenge Test). It’s really ironic that just when I’m about to have my OGCT this week, I’ve been craving for sweets the past 2 weeks. I’ve been munching on chocolates since last week, I only stopped myself from buying Conti’s Leche Flan last Friday. Once the OGCT is done with positive results and baby’s gender is out, I’m gonna celebrate it with a cake!
Please pray for me and my baby…
Do all preggos need to go through an OGCT? I did not go through this test before. Or maybe there wasn’t a need since I hated chocolates (even the sight of it) when I was pregnant hehe. Do share to us here at once ha kung boy o girl si baby. TC!
Congratulations to you! Most preggies go through the glucose test just to spot and avoid gestational diabetes, and the all important congenital anatomy scan, I did too at around 20 wks. Good luck!
Thanks for dropping by my site and maybe next time you visit Centris Walk, you might crave for Tutti Frutti!
By the way, in case you still need one:
Mom-Friday’s Baby checklist
I have my OGCT test once and I have to do it again on October. Nagtest na din for abnormalities and both are negative sa akin. I’m praying for all of us preggers sis. nga pala, ano ang gender ni baby?! 🙂 just curious. tama ka, kahit ano pa yun ang mahalaga ay healthy sya. god bless sis!