Mommy’s checklist, or an expectant mother’s checklist, I didn’t know that this thing exists until I read this from parenting sites. Until now, the checklists that exist in my life is a travel checklist and a grocery checklist. Who knows what checklist may sprout once the baby is born. Reading parenting sites and learning from other experiences of fellow mommies is a therapeutic way for me to ease out my fear of taking care of my baby. And to start off my journey to motherhood, a Mommy’s checklist is needed.
18 weeks and I haven’t started buying stuff for the baby, though I already set my mind that I will only provide the best things for my baby such as BPA-free bottles, baby-friendly toys and clothes, etc… Together with providing the best, I also want to be practical on buying baby stuff especially clothes since I know that babies grow rapidly and buying expensive clothings is not reasonable for the baby can only wear it for a short time. Perhaps, another reason why we still can’t shop for baby things is because we still don’t know the baby’s gender yet, I’m really really excited at the same time still hoping for a boy.
Last week, we decided to have a preview on baby things to buy by visiting SM’s Infant section. I frowned at how they jacked up the prices of Avent and Playtex brands here, almost 50% compared to their prices in Amazon, *sigh* I asked if they have a mommy checklist and they provided me with a list, the list below is exactly the one handed to me. You can print it or just copy the things you need:

Mommy checklist
This may seem a lot, I, too, was overwhelmed but I’ll be coming up with my own checklist in the coming days. Other mommy checklist I found is in the Enfant website and here.
Mommies, please share the things to buy for a first-time mom. Your inputs are greatly appreciated.
my mommy checklist was listed in 1 page of a small notebook..
Hi, mommy. Thanks for linking to my post. Good to know you found it useful. I started shopping for baby things when I was 7 months preggy. Nakaka-excite pero wag muna. There may be good buys later. Go for pre-loved sa clothes. Sa feeding bottles lang hindi. =)
As a first time mom there are so many things you think you need, but do not. My 4th son is going to be a year old and I have to say you can live without many of the things that are on the list. But my must haves are a wipes warmer, a baby carrier, burp rags and someone to help out!
^ she’s right. be careful especially with the lists that comes from department stores. i’d recommend looking at lists of other moms. enjoy shopping!